More Fashion & Cosmetics sites!
Thanks to those of you who have shown your support. We appreciate your letters and calls and will post your e-mail replies below for others to read.
[CAST YOUR VOTE] -- should Reps be allowed to have their own websites?
Hey girl,
I just had to forward this one to you. Talk about total B.S.!!! I wrote "Ask
Avon" about the "Brochure-by-Mail" program. I found out recently that AVON is
mailing brochures directly to people from a "purchased mailing list". The
customers are then ordering directly thru AVON and bypassing the reps
altogether. This brochure offers customers "special" deals that we, as reps,
cannot offer them. It is NOT the same "brochure-by-mail" program that WE send
to our customers. This mailing procedure by AVON is a "hot" topic on the Avon
Rep Bulletin Board. I wrote to AVON trying to get some answers. As you can
see, they refused to answer my e-mail and directed me to call the customer
service number. What really got me was the statement that "Ask Avon" only
handles product information. THAT'S what is total B.S. Remember all the e-
mail they sent me regarding web sites being against their policy!!!
Jan Fowler
Dear sister rep.
I feel as Avon does that all people should have easy access to our
wonderful line of products. There will always be a need for the personal
direct salesperson, however, there are remote areas that are not being
served by AVON in any way.
Avon does direct mail. Loyal Avon customers buy directly through Avon through the mail and are paying big money for shipping and handling. This helps Avon and doesn't support we reps.
Your website is terrific. I'm looking foreward to my own website. It's a little early now as I just upgraded from my horse and buggy 286 clone to this Pentium with Windows. I have a long way to go. Your website is a big encouragement.
Happy Sales to You!! BZZZ
....please don't give up. You guys are the life blood to Avon, they can't do it without you. Just hang in there, and eventually they will come around.
Hi! I just returned to Avon after taking a hiatis for 2 years. I, like
you love selling Avon and the opportunities that Avon offers. However, I
do feel that Avon needs to make a decision about the use of the websites;
one way or the other. Can't we, as Independent Avon Representatives, use
just about other medians of advertising (with approval)? Avon needs to
wake up. We will soon be entering a new millenium (SP); the Internet will
soon be the only way to advertise. Look at the numbers of Internet users
daily. Look at how many people from across the USA we can reach via the
Internet. You couldn't do that very well with conventional methods of
advertising. I certainly cast my vote as a resounding YES. Now we just
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 22:25:36 -0500
From: mcrowley