FEATURE ARTICLE: 1997 Annual National Retail Census
September 1997 (No. 6.6), by Jack Richman, of Audits & Surveys Worldwide

Eating & Drinking Establishments

Fast-Food Restaurants & Luncheonettes

The number of fast-food restaurants has increased 159% since 1970 and has helped place conventional luncheonettes on the endangered species list. The fast- food chains' marketing skills and franchise systems have resulted in a 25% decline in the number of luncheonettes, even as American consumers eat more meals prepared outside the home than ever.

Restaurants, Taverns & Bars

The number of restaurants offering table service has remained relatively unchanged since 1970. Taverns and bars, on the other hand, have lost 41% of their units during the same period as lifestyle changes and health concerns dried up many neighborhood "watering holes."

Other Retail Outlets:

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