FEATURE ARTICLE: 1997 Annual National Retail Census
September 1997 (No. 6.6), by Jack Richman, of Audits & Surveys Worldwide

Household Furnishings

Furniture stores have increased outlets only a modest 5% since 1970 as competition from discount and department stores and the superstore movement has taken root in the furniture sector. Household appliance retailers, who lost 44% of their outlets since 1970, have proved to be yet another victim of the dramatic success of discount stores.

Radio, television, stereo and electronics stores have increased 131% since 1970, proving that even in the age of discount stores, specialization pays. Retailers primarily selling recordings or musical instruments have 44% more outlets in 1997 than they did in 1970, although competition from the record departments of discounters and book superstores has helped erode their numbers in the ‘90s.

Other Retail Outlets:

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